Kiva Murphy is an Irish/ French actress who arrived to the wonderful city of Barcelona a little over 5 years ago kind of by accident. She got her first taste of improv as a teenager when she was training as an actress in The Gaiety School of acting. Once she began studying Theatre and Film in Trinity College she realised that she didn’t want to be so serious and switched to the world of comedy and clowning. Since then she hasn’t looked back and trained at the prestigious physical theatre Jacques Lecoq in Paris and has been lucky enough to work with some of the most incredible clown, physical theatre and improv teachers from all over the world.
Kiva divides her time between Barcelona and performing her comedy and stand up shows around the globe, setting up No Guilty Bones and touring her devised work to wherever will give her a stage for the night.
Kiva got involved with BIG SI back in 2017 and since then has been leading workshops and integrating herself in the amazing improvisation community in Barcelona. Kiva’s teaching style is wacky, energetic and very hands on. She likes to find the best in each person, allowing them to let go of their inhibitions and really play. The main thing that clowning and improv have in common is being in the moment. Once you realise that you can use your own physicality, the space, objects and your scene partners as inspiration, the pressure is off and you can really enjoy being on stage. When you allow yourself to be present and get rid of the pressure of ‘I have to be funny’ then that’s when the magic happens.
All sessions by Kiva Murphy :
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** Check out the calendar of the event with all the workshops.
14:30 - 17:30
Let’s Play Seriously
3 hours
26 September - Thursday
10:30 - 13:30
Let's Play Seriously
3 hours
28 September - Saturday
Workshops Description:
Let's Play Seriously
When you are genuinely having fun on stage, you are captivating to watch.
As children we play uninhibitedly and constantly invent new stories without fear of failure. By allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, and be ‘in the shit’ we release our inner child and delight our audience.
In this workshop we will use applied clowning and physical theatre techniques to bring pure joy into our improv. You will learn how to surprise yourself, and by removing the pressure to be funny you will truly be able to play...seriously.
Clowns don’t have a history and they experience everything for the first time and we want our audiences to have the same sense of wonder when they watch us perform.
Level: Advanced