Cédric Marschal has been playing and teaching improv in different companies in Strasbourg (France), he's a member and co-founder of La Carpe Haute. His idea of improv is to share and learn as much as you can, that's why he has been travelling around 13 countries in Europe and beyond, playing, learning and teaching. Back home, he gives courses on a regular basis, and specific workshops on the topics he loves. His style and the one of La Carpe Haute could be described as explosive, sincere, physical and silly. He loves miming, clowning and playing with the body, that's what he wants to bring in his performances and workshops.
All sessions by Cédric Marschal :
*In order to receive a 15% discount code, FIRST you need to purchase the Registration ticket HERE ! Then use the code on all subsequent purchases.
** Check out the calendar of the event with all the workshops.
14:30 - 17:30
Your Body Can Create 1001 Characters!
3 hours
26 September - Thursday
10:30 - 17:30
Mime and Object Work
6 hours
27 September - Friday
Workshops Description:
SOLD OUT Your Body Can Create 1001 Characters!
Change your voice, play with your face, transform your attitude, your body is a formidable metamorphosing tool ! Through guided exercises based on Lecoq's work, we will discover the power of every muscle and the thousand forms your body can take to personify characters you didn't imagine playing. They are all at hand, let your body embodies them and let yourself incarnate playfully new ranges of characters.
SOLD OUT Mime and Object Work
This workshop focuses on a side-skill : miming and object and space work. Having a clear vision of your environment, the objects and furnitures that are around, the size and weight of the mimes you use, is a helpful friend to make your stories more true to you, your partners and the audience. It helps you react in a more consistent way, more grounded to the reality of your scene. In this workshop we will train our bodies to play truly in our imaginary environments, to make them more visible to us and the audience. It finds its inspiration in Lecoq's work, clown, commedia dell'arte. Let's take your mime in hand !